Protection and Empowerment

SRD has built upon and rolled out a strategic form of programming that tackles multiple challenges at once, including SRH services, GBV mitigation, adolescent health, child marriage, safe/friendly spaces, and empowerment of women, girls, and communities at large.

In Numbers

Our Impact 2024

Our Goals

SRD Committed to achieve:

  • Protect individuals from the physical dangers of warfare, SGBV, and other forms of violence while addressing emotional and psychological needs through integrated protection programs.
  • Provide case management as the primary entry point for survivors to access crisis and long-term psychosocial support, especially in humanitarian settings where services are scarce.
  • Offer psychosocial support services to improve mental health and wellbeing, ensuring communities are emotionally resilient in crisis situations.
  • Strengthen women’s roles in community health and development through empowerment initiatives like Income-Generating Activities (IGA) and support networks.
  • Address the unique needs of adolescents and youth, particularly pregnant adolescents and first-time mothers, through programs like the AMAL Initiative and Young Mothers and Fathers Clubs.
  • Continue implementing SRH and GBV integration programs that empower women and girls, focusing on reducing child marriage and providing safe spaces.
  • Provide individual protection assistance through both cash and non-cash support to at-risk populations, ensuring they can access needed services such as transportation, shelter, and medical care.
  • Implement initiatives like “Ahlan Simsim” to provide vital psychosocial support for children and families, while promoting child protection measures.
  • Offer psychological first aid and awareness sessions to ensure that communities are equipped with the tools they need to recognize and respond to crises.
  • Continue to actively respond to and reduce GBV by providing services that enhance the health, safety, and life opportunities of women and girls.
  • Empower local communities to address gender inequality, reshaping gender norms and promoting women’s rights through advocacy and awareness-raising sessions.
  • Strengthen existing SRH and GBV programming with community-centered approaches to ensure a long-term reduction in violence against women and girls.

Our Approach

In Protection and Empowerment

Our Programs and Activities

SRD's Protection Programs and Activities

Our Facilities and Teams

SRD's Protection Facilities and Teams

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