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An Emergency Aid Basket Brings Hope to Abu Ibrahim’s Family

An Emergency Aid Basket Brings Hope to Abu Ibrahim’s Family

At 62 years old, Abu Ibrahim lives under extremely difficult conditions with his wife, Um Ibrahim. They inhabit a simple tent set up between the columns of the village water tank. Abu Ibrahim makes do with the limited space and resources, turning the hollowed area beneath the tank into what serves as both a kitchen and a bathroom.

Beyond their dire living conditions, Abu Ibrahim faces multiple chronic illnesses, including asthma, high blood pressure, impaired lung function, and muscle tremors that restrict his mobility. With a heavy heart, Um Ibrahim explains: 

Emergency Aid Distribution in Qojoman 

Recently, the Syrian Relief and Development (SRD) organization implemented an emergency aid basket distribution project in Qojoman, among 14 villages in the Bulbul area. Abu Ibrahim’s family received a basket packed with essential supplies—nothing short of a lifeline, given the many challenges they face daily

A Small Change Makes a Big Difference 

Um Ibrahim describes how they used the items from the basket: 

Despite their harsh circumstances and limited means, the emergency aid basket noticeably transformed the everyday reality for Abu Ibrahim’s family, offering them a measure of comfort and dignity they so desperately needed. 

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