Health Programs & Activities
NFI Activities
NFI Programming has been a continuous sector of operation for SRD as stand-alone or integrated with other sectors, specifically Health, Protection, and Shelter. Different NFI kits are listed below:
- Hygiene Kits—Include key items to maintain good health and hygiene, such as soap, detergent, shampoo, toothbrush/toothpaste, diapers, and dignity kits (i.e. sanitary napkins).
- Winterization Kits—Include key items to ensure warmth during the harsh winter months, such as blankets, mattresses, thermal clothing, coats, rugs, and heating fuel, charcoal/firewood , and heating units (sobas/space heaters).
- Kitchen Kits—Include key items to ensure access to general household items, such as plates and cooking utensils.
- Solar Panels—Used as an alternative energy source. As a renewable energy source for homes and operational facilities of SRD, solar panels provide energy during continual power outages and shortages. Solar panels may provide over 100 watts of energy. Specialized staff provides trainings on safe installation, usage, and maintenance of solar panels.
- Vouchers—May be specific or multipurpose for beneficiaries to receive NFI (or food) items during programming. Items purchased through vouchers come from numerous designated vendors or distributors to ensure optimal quality of items, while still giving beneficiaries flexibility in selection.